Online Sense is ICDL Arabia's philanthropic arm aimed at raising public awareness on Cyber Safety.

Ever fancied a pocket penguin that learns and grows wiser with you? Meet Wysa an app that claims it will equip you to handle whatever life throws at you.

Wysa developers say that it “helps you live the best life you can”. With more than 3 million user conversations so far, Wysa has reportedly helped people deal with anxiety, social distress, relationships, career stress, body image, mild depression, loneliness and sometimes more serious issues too.

Wysa is an AI-driven ‘emotionally intelligent’ bot, a virtual coach that reacts to the emotions you express, and uses evidence-based cognitive-behavioural techniques (CBT), DBT, meditation, breathing, yoga, motivational interviewing and micro-actions to help you build mental resilience skills.

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Wysa’s pilot project has shown that symptoms of anxiety and depression were halved in people who used our chat-based support over three months. We hope this helps you too.

Over time, Wysa gets a better context on how you’re doing (e.g. if your sleep may be disturbed), and proactively reaches out to help.

All information shared with the chatbot is private. It is de-linked from your details before anything is stored, so only you can see what you share. You can chat completely anonymously (choose ‘skip login’ during setup), or login to your Facebook account.