Astroturfing: Why the Grass Isn’t Always Greener on the Other Side of the Internet
Astroturfing is the attempt to create an impression of widespread support for a policy, individual, or product, where very little support actually exited beforehand.
Memory Impairment: An Epidemic We Cannot Forget
Do you remember watching commercials and movies from the 90’s and early 2000’s that used to say we only use 10% of our brains? Although that is a false statement and considered ‘misleading,’ a leading neurologist in Abu Dhabi says excessive reliance on electronic devices and social media could negatively affect your child’s memory and cognition.
6 Self-Destructing Messaging Apps Adults Need to Know
Self-destructing messaging apps with end-to-end encryption are taking over; these are apps that automatically destruct messages when the receiver reads them and/or sets a limit for how long the receiver can see a message before it gets deleted.
Why Facebook Live Is the Police’s New Best Friend
Police forces from all over the world use Facebook Live (and the Facebook platform in general) as a way to prosecute criminals. It is actually one of the first places detectives search for evidence. Based on the content of a criminal’s social media posts – like online extremism, for example – they can find out the person’s motive, the geolocation of where they recorded the Facebook Live video.
8 Signs Your Student Is Being Bullied Online
Did you know that thousands of teens reportedly skip school every day because they are bullied? Furthermore, a significant number of those bullied drop out of school completely due to repeated bullying.