In an era where water scarcity poses a significant threat to global ecosystems, effective methods for water conservation have become increasingly vital. Embracing innovative solutions aligns perfectly with the principles of sustainable living and responsible resource...
Understanding the Basics of UK Casino Regulations and Safe Online Gambling Platforms
In the dynamic world of online entertainment, the safety and security of players are paramount. When engaging with digital gaming environments, it is crucial to seek out trustworthy options that prioritize secure gaming experiences. Players should be well-informed...
Wie funktionieren Turniere im Online-Casino?
In der aufregenden Sphäre der Casino-Wettkämpfe gibt es zahlreiche Möglichkeiten, die Gewinnmöglichkeiten zu erkunden und gleichzeitig Spaß zu haben. Spieler aus aller Welt messen sich in spannenden Slots-Wettbewerben, wo es nicht nur um Geschick, sondern auch um...
Come evitare gli errori più comuni nelle scommesse su BDM Bet
Quando si tratta di fare giocate intelligenti, è fondamentale tenere a mente alcune linee guida pratiche. Consigli esperti possono fare la differenza tra una sessione di gioco proficua e una ricca di insuccessi. Saper gestire il proprio bankroll è un elemento chiave...
Hoe Kies Je de Juiste Online Gokkast?
In de dynamische wereld van casinospellen, is het kiezen van de juiste gokkasten een essentieel onderdeel van een succesvolle en bevredigende spelerservaring. Met een overvloed aan opties en verleidelijke jackpots, kan het soms een uitdaging zijn om de winkansen te...
Полный гид по казино 1xSlots с бонусами играми и полезными советами
Обостряя интерес к азартным развлечениям, многие ищут подробное руководство по уникальным платформам, где можно испытать удачу. В этом материале мы предлагаем вам поэтапное понимание особенностей одной из популярных игровых площадок. Шаг за шагом мы проведем вас через...
Jak vyhrát v ruletě – strategie, které stojí za vyzkoušení
Online ruleta se stala velmi populární formou zábavy, kde hráči mají možnost nejen si užít vzrušení, ale také vyzkoušet různé ruletové systémy, které mohou zvýšit jejich šance na výhru. Tento článek se zaměřuje na osvědčené tipy, které vám mohou pomoci na cestě k...
Experience the Thrill of R2pbet Mobile Casino Games Anytime and Anywhere
With the rise of technology, enthusiasts can delve into their choices without being tethered to a desktop. Those who enjoy android betting are now favored with platforms that offer seamless experiences. Whether you’re commuting or enjoying a leisurely afternoon,...
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Ontdek de ontspannende kleuren en natuurlijke rust van een zelf ontworpen bloementuin. Kies voor geurige beplanting en aromatische bloemen die bijdragen aan uw welzijn. Creëer uw eigen oase van rust en ontspanning met een prachtige bloementuin vol kleur en geur....
Cómo ganar más dinero en mesas cash usando estrategia GTO
En el universo del póker, los jugadores ansían descubrir los secretos para maximizar sus ganancias en las mesas de apuestas. Uno de los enfoques más efectivos es la implementación de una estrategia GTO, la cual se basa en los principios del “juego no...
Snelle en Gemakkelijke Kooktips voor Drukke Herstelmomenten in de Keuken
In de hectiek van ons dagelijks bestaan kan het een uitdaging zijn om recht te doen aan een voedzame levensstijl. De focus ligt vaak op snelle oplossingen die niet altijd het beste voor onze gezondheid zijn. Toch is het mogelijk om lekkere en verantwoorde maaltijden...

Cyber Grooming

Risks of Oversharing

Hajj 2017: 12 Ways in which the Manasikana App will Make your Life Easier
The Manasikana app launched by the Saudi Ministry of Hajj and Umrah has many useful features

Is your Family being Spied on as your Child Plays Games Online?
While children spend most of their time playing online games, they might be giving away sensitive data that could put your family’s privacy at risk.

Faketoken Alert: Malware Steals Bank Details from Android Apps
Faketoken virus is capable of recording your phone calls, stealing banking credentials, and diverting incoming SMSes. It might be spreading through bulk SMS messages that prompt users to download images.

Mariam Game Ban: What are the Risks of Playing Games Online?
The Mariam game issue sheds light on the trend of games with questionable content, which can harm players in various ways. Moreover, people are less discerning about the adverse impact of playing games online because they just see it as something fun, engaging and harmless.

Is the Criminal Dark Net Spreading in the UAE, as Thousands Download TOR?
Why should people in the UAE be concerned about the Dark Net and its passageway TOR in this region? Statistics on the official website of TOR show that in Jan and Jun 2017, around 480,000 users from UAE were directly connected to the TOR network.

Six Smart Time Management Tips to get Extra Hours of Life
We spend almost all our waking hours glued to our computer or mobile screens. Here are a few things you should do immediately to manage our time better

Can I Trust a Password Manager to Keep my Account Safe?
Password managers promise us they will keep our numerous difficult passwords safe. Can we trust them 100%?

Making a Free Call Online? It can Risk your Security like you Never Knew
Making a free call online might look like a better alternative to phone calls, but it can put you at risks you never knew about.

Blue Whale: Know about this Suicide Game Before it’s too Late
Have you heard of the Blue Whale online group that’s reportedly pressurizing teenagers to participate in dangerous tasks, and even committing suicide? Here’s what you need to know about this trend, and things you can do.

Take the Great Kindness Challenge to Counter Cyber Bullying
Initiatives like the Great Kindness Challenge, which aims at helping children in developing empathy, combating bullying, and building self-esteem.

Addicted to Technology? Try these Stress Management Tips
Most of us are so addicted to technology that it has almost started suffocating us. Here are seven stress management tips for technoholics.

Cyber Bullying Killed Sam Abel – Critical Tips on Online Safety for Kids
Recently a teenager, Sam Abel, from England ended himself as a victim of cyber bullying. It’s yet another wake-up call for parents to take online safety for kids seriously

Snapchat Spectacles: Why Critics Say it’s Unsafe
Have you heard about Snapchat’s latest product? Most kids have, and they can’t wait to use it. As responsible adults, it’s important for you to know that the device might be unsafe for children to use.

How Strobes, Seizures, and Social Media Led to One Man’s Arrest
On December 15, 2016, Eichenwald said he received a message from the username @Jew_Goldstein on Twitter. The tweet was an animated image (GIF) of a blinding strobe light that said, “You deserve a seizure for your posts” in capital letters. Mr. Eichenwald, who has epilepsy, saw the post and immediately went into a seizure.

How One Man Earned $10,000 from Facebook by Hacking into (and Deleting) Their Videos
Did you know that there was a time when someone could gain control over Facebook users’ videos to edit or delete them? Dan Melamed, a cyber security researcher who worked at Microsoft and A&T helped Facebook identify the security loophole that could have impacted billions of people.

What You Need to Know about Ransomware & the WannaCry Cyber Attack
On May 12, 2017, the biggest and fastest-spreading cyber attack in recorded history hit hundreds of thousands of computers from over 150 countries. Learn more about how to protect yourself from the ‘WannaCry’ ransomware.

Should You Trust Medical Advice on Social Media?
Be honest: have you ever came across a Facebook post for “How to lose weight”? What about other health-related topics like, “How to treat an infection without going to a doctor” or “The best way to treat cancer without chemotherapy”?

Snap Inc. Cracks Down on What You Can Discover on Snapchat
When people think of Snapchat, they think of a fun platform for people to chat with their friends and send fun images and videos of themselves. However, as time went by and Snapchat established itself as one of the biggest social media companies in the world, they created a ‘Discover’ section on their platform.

The Deep Web, the Dark Net, and the Dangerous Secrets of Pedophiles
Did you know that only 0.03% of the entire Internet can be found on search engines? The information found on Google, Facebook, and Wikipedia combined represents just a tiny fraction of one percent of all the information available on the Web.

Warning: You Could Be an Accomplice of an Internet Fraud Case
We hear about victims of Internet fraud all the time. People tend to simplify those stories and say that those people are so naïve and that it would never happen to them.
You may want to think twice about that.

Does Social Media Empower or Exploit Women in the Middle East?
If you are an Arab or have lived in the Arabian Gulf, you probably know that privacy is a very important issue here (particularly for women). Moreover, keeping one’s personal information about oneself and sheltering oneself from society is particularly common in women who share conservative values

6 Self-Destructing Messaging Apps Adults Need to Know
Self-destructing messaging apps with end-to-end encryption are taking over; these are apps that automatically destruct messages when the receiver reads them and/or sets a limit for how long the receiver can see a message before it gets deleted. Both kids and young adults use them to prevent certain people (i.e. parents, and future employers, etc.) from seeing things in their chat histories.

The Scary Truth about Instagram (and how it’s Ruining Our Self-Esteem)
Instagram’s social media culture does provide a great platform to share authentic photos, but not everything is as flattering and amazing as it seems in those photos. People might not use Photoshop, but they can use filters (even if they use the hashtag #NoFilter). They can give off the impression that the photo was effortlessly taken with very little or no preparation whatsoever.

Why Facebook Live Is the Police’s New Best Friend
Police forces from all over the world use Facebook Live (and the Facebook platform in general) as a way to prosecute criminals. It is actually one of the first places detectives search for evidence. Based on the content of a criminal’s social media posts – like online extremism, for example – they can find out the person’s motive, the geolocation of where they recorded the Facebook Live video.

Astroturfing: Why the Grass Isn’t Always Greener on the Other Side of the Internet
Astroturfing is the attempt to create an impression of widespread support for a policy, individual, or product, where very little support actually exited beforehand. In other words, astroturfers create marketing or public relations campaigns in an attempt to present inaccurate information as real information. Usually, special interest groups use this technique to give an organization credibility by withholding information about the source’s financial connection.

How to Use Instagram Drafts (New Feature)
You know how we always say, “Think before you post?” Well, Instagram just introduced a new feature called Instagram Drafts.
![What Would You Do If You Saw an Online Predator in Person? [Video]](
What Would You Do If You Saw an Online Predator in Person? [Video]
You’ve heard all these stories about kids being abducted by adults. But what if you saw one in real life? Click here to read about what happened in two social experiments filmed by one of the major news stations in the United States.
![Digital Heroin: Is the Internet REALLY a Drug? [Debate]](
Digital Heroin: Is the Internet REALLY a Drug? [Debate]
Online addiction is becoming such a major problem nowadays that people want to consider it a drug. One pundit even went as far as calling it ‘digital heroin.’ Would you agree? Read both sides of the argument in this article.

The Millennial Question (with Simon Sinek)
Have you ever heard anyone stereotype millennials? You’ve heard them all before: entitled, lazy, self-centered, etc. Internationally known entrepreneur Simon Sinek explains why this is the case and what we can do to help them.

YouTube Heroes: The New Program No One Likes
Do you remember a program called YouTube Heroes? YouTube announced it in September 2016, and the communities detested it… for many reasons. Find out why.

Instagram Direct: How to Share Your Photos and Videos Privately
Have you heard of Instagram Direct? It’s a new feature that allows you to share your Instagram posts privately? Learn how to use it in this article.

Facebook Freebooting and the Case of Stolen YouTube Videos
When Facebook introduced video to their platform, very few people knew that a lot of companies were stealing content… particularly from YouTube’s content creators. Read more about Facebook freebooting YouTube’s content.

How to Block (and Unfollow) Someone on Twitter
There are a lot of cyberbullies and online trolls out there, especially on Twitter. Follow the directions in this article if there is someone you want to block or unfollow on Twitter.

Do You Have the ‘Right to Disconnect’ in the Workplace?
Do you believe workers have the right to discharge at home rather than constantly having to check your phone for new emails? Europe has established new policies to protect their workers. Read more and think about what the GCC can do to protect their workers.

Phubbing: Are You Being Anti-Social with Your Smartphone?
We have reached a new problem since the arrival of the smartphone. We have become more connected, but only through our smartphones. As a result, we have become more disconnected to our surroundings. We refer to this concept as phubbing.

Google My Activity: How Google Tracks Your Every Move for Financial Gain
Google knows everything about you, from Google searches, to emails, to which videos you watch. You can find out just a snippet of what Google knows by using Google My Activity.

How Does Mobile Phone Use Affect Your Brain?
Do you ever feel like your phone heats up when you put your phone to your ear? How much do you think that impacts your health… particularly your brain? Read on to find out what science tells us about the health risks of too much cell phone use.